LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE, GOTAN | 10+2 CBSE Affiliated Boarding School for Boys & Girls | Page 5

Event Archives

IPSC Championship on Yoga
 EVENT DATE: Sep-15, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Sep-15, 2019

Two of our very talented children, Jagdish from class III and Daniyal from class V, are all set to leave for Pilani to participate in the IPSC Championship on Yoga. Here's wishing them lots of love and luck from all of us!

IPSC Visual Arts Fest held at Daly College, Indore
 EVENT DATE: Sep 14, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Sep 14, 2019

It's really a matter of great pride for LK Singhania Education Centre that 15 of our students from the Fine Arts' Department performed brilliantly at the IPSC Visual Arts Fest held at Daly College, Indore. Vedanshi Singhal & Rishika Singhi (Macrame) and Pixy Sinha & Yadvee Jalan (Artificial Flower Making) class XII secured 1st position and received a tag of *Outstanding Performance* amongst 20 different IPSC Schools. Many Congratulations to all the participants and their teachers, Geetanjali Ma'am(HOD), Biplav Sir and Shrawan Sir!

Closing Ceremony - All India IPSC Skating Competition
 EVENT DATE: Sep 10, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Sep 10, 2019

Closing Ceremony - All India IPSC Skating Competition A grand closing ceremony of the All India IPSC Skating Competition was conducted on 8th September 2019 in which famous former international skater and coach of Indian Skating team Mr. Praveen Deshpande graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He was also accompanied by his wife, Mrs Bhavika Praveen Deshpande. They were welcomed by the Vice President of the school Mrs Sushma Arora with a bouquet. School captain Yashika Singh gave a brief history of the brilliant career of Mr Praveen Deshpande, which was inspirational for the budding skaters of today.

Media coverage of the IPSC Skating Competition
 EVENT DATE: Sep 8, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Sep 8, 2019

And here's some spectacular media coverage of the IPSC Skating Competition, which was held at the LK Singhania Education Centre, Goran! 14 schools from across the country participated in this pulse-racing event that was on for 3days!Please join us in congratulating all the participating teams and the hosts, who have planned everything brilliantly as always. #lksec #skating #championship #IPSC

IPSC Skating Competition (U 11, 14, 17 & 19 ) 2019
 EVENT DATE: Sep 7, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Sep 7, 2019

The school campus buzzed with energy as the participants of 14 schools, which participated in the All India IPSC Skating Competition from 6th September to 8th September, 2019.The Competition was inaugurated by the President of the school Mr B K Arora. Smt Sushma Arora Vice President of the school graced the occasion as Guest of Honor. Guests were welcomed with bouquets by the members of portfolio holders of school students' council.The grand gala began with beautiful march past on the tune of beautiful melody of school's pipe band.Chief guest Mr B K Arora welcomed all the participants. In his speech Mr Arora extended his best wishes to all the participants and hoped that players will display the true spirit of sportsmanship. He emphasized the need for stamina as well as skill of all participants.

31st August Day Celebration
 EVENT DATE: Aug 30, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 31, 2019

31st August Day Celebration of L K Singhania Education Centre! The Annual day celebration is a very special occasion for any institution, its a day to recognise the hard work of the students across various spheres of schooling.The program began with the welcoming of the chief guest Vice Air Marshal Mr. LN Sharma, a senior and decorated Air Force Officer, Indian Air Force by Mr BK Arora, President of the school, followed by lightning of the lamp in front of Maa Sarawati to invoke her blessings. Chief guest AVM Mr LN Sharma, Mr B K Arora President of the school, Mrs Sushma Arora Vice President of the school, Mr R C Joshi Principal, Mr P R Kumar Vice Principal, Mr Subodh Kumar Bursar along with other members of administration of the school accomplished the duty.

Lady Anusuiya Singhania Memorial All India English Debate 2019
 EVENT DATE: Aug 30, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 30, 2019

30 August Day Celebration of L K Singhania Education Centre! Lady Anusuiya Singhania Memorial All India English Debate 2019 Another round of intellectual discussion began on 27th August 2019 in the form of English Debate on the topic 'Artificial intelligence will replace the counter-intuitive thinking and will takeover the world'. 60 participants from 30 schools of repute took part in it.The program began with the welcoming of the chief guest Mr. Kapil Mishra, guest of honor President of the school Mr. B K Arora , and special guest Mrs. Sushma Arora.Principal Mr RCJoshi in his welcoming speech welcomed all the guests, participants and their escorts to the magnificent pandal to debate on one of the hottest debatable topic of today's

 EVENT DATE: Aug 29, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 29, 2019

SCIENCE QUIZE 2019 Here's announcing the SIR PADAMPAT SINGHANIA MEMORIAL ALL INDIA SCIENCE QUIZ 2019! On 28th August, after heavy intellectual debating for two days, competitors from 23 school buckled to compete for the prestigious Sir Padampat Singhania Memorial All India Science Quiz. The quiz was divided in two preliminary rounds and one final round. Top eight teams from the preliminary rounds completed in the final round.The program started with welcoming Chief guest Mr B K Arora, President of the school, Mrs Sushma Arora Vice President of school. Later on, quiz master Mr Abhishek Sengupta was welcomed by Vice President Mrs Sushma Arora.

Lady Anusuiya Singhania Memorial All India Hindi Debate 2019
 EVENT DATE: Aug 28, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 28, 2019

Lady Anusuiya Singhania Memorial All India Hindi Debate 2019 New session, new debate topic, new faces, full of enthusiasm!62 participants of 31 schools got ready to put forward their concrete arguments in the series of All India Debate Competition. On the first day of the competition, participants put forth their views in the Hindi Debate on the topic : "धारा 370 और अनुच्छेद 35 A को समाप्त किए बिना कश्मीर-समस्या का समाधान संभव नहीं था" President Mr. B K Arora graced the first session of the competition as the chief guest while Mrs Sushma Arora Vice President of the school was Guest of honor.

Finals of All India IPSC Hockey under 15 tournament on 25th August, 2019
 EVENT DATE: Aug 26, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 26, 2019

Finals of All India IPSC Hockey under 15 tournament on 25th August, 2019The under 15 hockey tournament full of zeal and zest came to an end on 25th August. After contesting with a lot of positive energy, teams of Lawrence School Sanawar and Pinegrove School Solan were able to reach the finals of the tournament.

 EVENT DATE: Aug 25, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 25, 2019

The All India IPSC (Indian Public Schools’ conference) Hockey Tournament (U 15) has been organised at the LK Singhania Education Centre, Gotan from 23rd to 25th August 2019. Our Principal Mr. R. C. Joshi has said that schools of great repute from all over India, like Punjab Public School, Nabha, Mayo School, Ajmer, The Scindia School, Gwalior, The Lawrence School, Sanawar, Pinegrove School, Solan and host school LK Singhania Education Centre, Gotan, are participating in the tournament. Opening Ceremony began with the grand display of pipe band of the school, which was followed by the oath taking ceremony by the captains of various teams. The President of our school, Mr. B K Arora presided over the function as a chief guest in the opening ceremony of the tournament. Vice President Mrs. Sushma Arora's presence as Guest of Honor enriched the grace of the opening ceremony. Mr. B K Arora welcomed all the participating teams in the campus. He motivated the participants and encouraged them to give their best in whichever field they are participating.

 EVENT DATE: Aug 23, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 23, 2019

Finally, it's on! The 3-day All India IPSC Hockey Tournament starts at the LK Singhania Education Centre today! Please join us in cheering us on 😊 #hockeytournament #IPSC #lksec

 EVENT DATE: Aug 21, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 21, 2019

We are delighted to announce our Chief Guest for the upcoming IPSC Hockey tournament for boys (under 15)! This will be held from 23-25 August at the LK Singhania Education Centre. #lksec #hockey #ipsc #tournament

The India`s School Merit Awards
 EVENT DATE: Aug 19, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 19, 2019

#Mondays are to be cherished because they bring new opportunities and hopes for another bright week ahead. For all of us at LK Singhania Education Centre, we welcome Mondays with zeal and enthusiasm. And this is one of the many reasons why:LK Singhania Education Centre has been Ranked No.7 in India, No.1 in Rajasthan & No.1 in Nagaur in the Category - ‘India`s Top 20 Day-Cum-Boarding School’ in a survey conducted by Education Today.The India`s School Merit Awards was held at The Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore. On behalf of our school, Vice Principal, Mr. PR Kumar and Head Master – Senior School attended the function and received the said award.Huge round of applause for everyone!

Rakshabandhan Celebration
 EVENT DATE: Aug 16, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 16, 2019

#Rakshabandhan is not only to celebrate the bond between brother and sister but among everyone who love and care for each other. This festival, let us come together to celebrate and strive towards making the world a safer place for one and all! At the LK Singhania Education Centre, the festival is marked with love and happiness with our teachers, friends, and the entire staff which is our extended family. #love #safety #lksec #family #festival

Happy Independence Day
 EVENT DATE: Aug 15, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 16, 2019

Here's wishing every proud Indian a very happy Independence Day from all of us at the LK Singhania Education Centre, Gotan. May our spirit of being truly secular and the biggest democracy in the whole world always stay bright! #JaiHind

Celebrating Teej Festival
 EVENT DATE: Aug 13, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 13, 2019

The festival of #Teej is one full of joy and colours, celebrated with great fervour across the country. At the LK Singhania Education Centre, we left no stone unturned to make sure that the festive spirit keeps its pace and everyone feels part of it in a big way.Thank you, Arora Ma'am for bringing about the best in each of us and for your continued love and support always!#lksec #festivals #love #family

Air commodore (Dr.) Ravi Shankar Upadhyaya (Retd.)

Chief Medical Officer

 EVENT DATE: Aug 08, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 08, 2019

Dr RS Upadhyaya has joined as CMO LKSEC w.e.f 08 Aug 2019. He superannuated from Indian Air Force as an Air Commodore recently. He is an alumnus of Armed Forces Medical College from where he did his MBBS. He obtained his Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital & Health Care Management & Post Graduate Diploma in Medico- Legal Systems from Symbiosis University. He has also done MBA in Management and M Phil in Human Resource. He has a total of 34 years of experience in Healthcare delivery and Healthcare Administration.

Dr. Ujwala Upadhyaya

Resident Medical Officer

 EVENT DATE: Aug 08, 2019     PUBLISHED DATE: Aug 08, 2019

Dr Ujwala Upadhyaya has joined LKSEC as an RMO. In addition to MBBS, She has also done her Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health from IGNOU, New Delhi. She is an accomplished Industrial Health Care Professional and has done her AFIH from Central Labour Institute. She has varied & years of experience of working at Schools, Rural Health Mission, Reputed Industries etc. In all she has 25 yrs of experience in healthcare delivery & Medical administration.