LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE, GOTAN | 10+2 CBSE Affiliated Boarding School for Boys & Girls | Page 1

Covid-19 Measures Undertaken

Covid-19 measures undertaken in school!
Building resilience against pandemic!

Our school never fails to work genuinely in the interest of the students and staff and remains on toes to well craft the policies. In the wake of the challenges of pandemic, everything essential was done in a requisite approach.

The provision of safe water, sanitation and waste management and hygienic conditions essential for preventing and for protecting the health of the students and staff during the current outbreaks of corona virus disease was fully ensured. We ensured evidenced-based waste management practices in our school and hostels to prevent human-to-human transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.

We take care that all the classrooms, corridors, every corner, mess, hostels, hospital and the areas likely to be under potential threat are properly sanitized before the children are allowed in. They undergo thermal scanning and are induced to sanitize their hands using the automatic sanitizer device installed at both side of the portico before they enter the school building.

Maintenance of effective hygiene protocols is unfailingly ensured and has been made applicable on every staff member regardless of the departments or the jobs they are engaged with. Spitting at random places, littering at whims and sneezing without covering faces are strictly prohibited in the campus. Behaviours such as physical distancing as much as realistically possible and masks which are the first line of defense have been made compulsory for everyone. All the staff members – academic or non-academic and even the workers engaged in menial jobs are compulsorily vaccinated with both the doses of Covishield.

Parents and visitors are required to produce the vaccination certificate or RTPCR report at the time of entry into the school campus. Even the vehicles they use are also properly sanitized to keep the possibility of threat at bay. We take all the possible measures which can serve as barriers to human-to-human transmission of the COVID-19 virus and we strive best to keep the health of the children and staff on the right of way.

Sanitization in School

Prep Classes

Offline Classes