Details of Curriculum
The success of our school's system lies in careful planning of each lesson in the school year and in the evaluation of student performance.
Our curriculum gives a balanced importance to academics, computers, physical education and performing and visual arts, and also integrates them with each other in a planned manner.
The junior school has its own set of books to supplement the learning process. Each lesson is planned in advance and evaluated later, so there is a structured and graded progress.
In the senior school, the curriculum emphasises the teaching of a subject as is laid down by the C.B.S.E. Classes 1 to 8 follow a syllabus that has been set by the teachers. From class 9 onwards the student gets into gear for the C.B.S.E. and a system of monthly tests, an additional examination and classes on handling of examinations become an additional part of the curriculum.
The non-academic subjects in both senior and junior school are also taught according to a pre-set syllabus. Not only is there a balanced integration of Academics, Arts and Physical Education, there is also interdisciplinary integration also in the use of computers and information technology for teaching. The Physical Education program is structured to develop skills, stamina and sportsmanship and fit the needs of particular age groups.