Our students are motivated to “aim even higher” based on skills, attitude, maturity and the ability to demonstrate the best work habits. A healthy combination of competition and collaboration among the students also leads to their higher levels of achievement. Data is the basis for reflection and reality checks which easily identifies academic performance and areas of need. The information is shared with students, parents and staff, and is the basis for individual education plans for each student. Completion of educational benchmarks in every class represents academic achievement.
Students and staff are engaged in plantation drive once a year. All the boarding houses have solar panels installed on the roofs. The school had taken the solar energy initiatives to prove them hot water during winter. Waste water is recycled in the recycle plant and is used for watering plants and other purposes. There are manure pits where the dry leaves, vegetable peels and wastes etc. are dumped to make manure to be used in plants in the campus. Time to time, children are taught the importance of conservation of nature.
It is the dynamics between a teacher and students that define the essence of the classrooms. The teachers take them on a journey of pure learning; instill an environment of curiosity and interactivity through innovative methods and latest educational technology. The school has many such supplements as follows:
Audio-visual room: Teachers relegate to the role of resource or material providers via internet or using pen-drives.
Smart-boards: Teachers explain their subject through videos and graphics on smart board
Language-lab: Every class has two periods per week to learn vocabularies and improve their pronunciations in the language lab.
Collaboration: Children are motivated to create, plan, and organise group presentations of stories, skits, or poems.