In this modern world, where mathematics is base to every machinery, whether it's from a small needle to the most powerful supercomputers.
An evolving mind of LK Singhania Education Centre, Gotan has brought laurels for LKS family in the mathematics field.
Chhavi Tiwari of class 10th participated in All India Ramanujan Maths Club Competition held on 31st December 2020. This competition included general maths and Cryptarithmetic which is a very fresh concept in Mathematics history. She has secured second position all over India in class 9th -11th category. She also received a merit certificate, a cash prize of Rs.500 and a gift voucher.
Once again our students have added another feather to our cap of achievement.
Two of our students : DC .Khushi (class 11)and Mehak Mukim (11) represented LKS in an Online Inter school competition- COGNIZANCE , for students of classes 9 & 11 organized by Arwachin International school , Delhi , on the Occasion of National Consumer Rights Day (24th Dec). 20 Schools of Delhi and outside participated in it.
Our students participated in two events and brought laurels to LKSEC in both of them, THAT TOO AT A SHORT NOTICE OF JUST 2 DAYS :
1. Act of Awareness (Mono Acting on Consumer Rights and awareness)
DC. Khushi (class 11) secured First position in the event
2. Post an Awareness (Poster Making)
Mehak Mukim (class 11) secured Third position in the event
Bal Bhavan Public School, Mayur Vihar-II, New Delhi in the collaboration with Atal Tinkering Lab, NITI Ayog, CBSE Delhi organised TinkerFest Program where Students across the country showcased their Problem Solving and Innovative Skills. In Android App Design Event (Topic - Health Tracker) Gayatri P – Head Girl and Rishita Bafna won Third Position nationwide.
“If you have good communication skill, confidence and right attitude you can become the face of crowd” - R C Joshi (Principal) L K Singhania Education Centre.
L K Singhania Education Centre, Gotan pays a lot of attention on developing communication skill of students. Here is an example of our tiny tots displaying the same. Look at the confidence with which they accomplished their task of ‘OBJECT TALK’ on Monsoon theme. Parents also deserve accolades for amazing props.
In this advancing world, where technology is achieving new heights everyday, the coding minds of LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE, GOTAN have maintained a pretty long history with a wagon of awards, especially in the IT events. Even the CORONA Pandemic couldn’t hinder our endeavours in session 2020-2021, in which the students bagged a range of achievements for the School.
Our students proved their mettle in COMFEST - 2020, conducted ONLINE by Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur. Our school was one of the 55 premier schools from India and abroad. Needless to say, our students won prizes in the Five different events. In the limelight was Gayatri P who won prizes in three different events.
Pandora Box (Surprised Software)
THIRD Position - Gayatri P
Deeds On Sheets (Fine Arts)
THIRD Position - Anushka Maurya
Vid - Ed (Video Editing Event)
THIRD Position - Uday Patel
WEBTECH (Website Designing)
SECOND Position - Gayatri P
Wiz-Pro (Programming)
THIRD Position - Gayatri P
The young painters of LKSEC have stamped their calibre in yet another competition beyond school borders
LKSians left a distinctive hallmark of ever- rising creativity across different event categories in SRIJANYAM: Online Inter School Art & Design Fest 2020 organized by The Assam Valley School, where these students mesmerised everyone with their spectacular imagination under able guidance of Ms. Geetanjali Pandey and Mr Biplav Agasty.
Over the course of two days at the 4th edition of BSPMUN 2020, 6 of our many brilliant scholars had learnt a lot and evolved tremendously in the art of Model United Nations or MUN. Ms. Abira Dey came to know about this online edition of the program, which is being held for the last 3 years in BIRLA SCHOOL PILANI. The children registered. Most of them being first- timers had no idea. But, we are glad to announce that they have outshined many other delegates in the conference and excelled with flying colours.
From 15th August, on such an auspicious occasion of Independence Day, they had begun to pave their way to success in this conference. With the open ceremony boosting the spirits in them, they had burnt their midnight oil in the following total of 4 sessions over 48 hours.
On 16th evening, at the deciding hour, we were gladdened when 2 delegates, Joy Khandelwal, and Adarsh S Menon got the “Best Delegate Award”. Along with them were Ashwin D Purohit and Niranjan Singh who got “Special Commendation” from the Executive Boards. Two other delegates, Drishya S Menon and Aditya Atul also did exceptionally well in an unconventional Commitee, the All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM). We are overwhelmingly proud of our students. Bringing accolades to the school and more notably, adding skills to their own skillset is something every LKSian aspires of.
In such a time of uncertainty when the whole world is at a pause, the Music and the Fine arts department of the L.K. Singhania Education Centre, Gotan conducted an online cultural and fine arts competition for classes III to VIII in the month of May 2020. The students were required to send their entries for the respective competitions to the concerned department members separately from 17 May to 20 May 2020. This was an initiative to maintain the keen interest of students towards co-curricular activities and uplifting their talents in all aspects of life when they are away from school.
A total of 135 students participated enthusiastically in the competition. It was a nice exhibition of skills and creativity which was praised and applauded by everyone. Every entry was unique in itself and it was actually very difficult for the teacher in charges to decide the winners. The active participation of the students is a perfect of example of never giving up and being a true LKSians with the true spirit.
Mr. R.C. Joshi, the Principal along with all the faculty members appreciated the sincere efforts of the members of the Music and the Fine arts department and congratulated the shimmering LKSians who bagged positions in the various competitions.
One can go as far as his mind lets for the betterment of all if we believe we can do it, remember we can definitely achieve it…..
औद्योगिक नगरी गोटन में स्थित राजस्थान के सर्वश्रेष्ठ आवासीय विद्यालय लाला कमलापत सिंघानिया शिक्षण केंद्र के कर्मचारियों ने वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना के खिलाफ
अपनी जिम्मेदारी का निर्वहन करते हुए प्रधानमंत्री राहत कोष में में विद्यालय परिवार की ओर से ढाई लाख रुपए का चेक नागौर के कलेक्टर दिनेश यादव को सौंपा |
विद्यालय से प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार विद्यालय में कार्यरत सभी प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, शिक्षकों एवं कर्मचारियों ने अपने 1 दिन दिन का वेतन इस वैश्विक महामारी
में अपनी सामाजिक जिम्मेदारी एवं कर्तव्यों का निर्वहन करते करते हुए, ₹250000 का चेक नागौर जिला कलेक्टर दिनेश यादव को विद्यालय के प्राचार्य आर. सी.
जोशी, स्टाफ क्लब के अध्यक्ष ए. एन. साह और लेखा विभाग के अरविंद सारस्वत ने सौंपा |
इस अवसर पर विद्यालय के अध्यक्ष बी. के. अरोड़ा एवं उपाध्यक्ष सुषमा अरोड़ा ने अपने संदेश में कहा कि हमारा विद्यालय देश में आने वाली विभिन्न आपदाओं के
समय अपने सामाजिक दायित्व एवं जिम्मेदारी को समझते हुए अपने कर्तव्य का निर्वहन करते हैं | आज जब पूरा विश्व इस महामारी से लड़ रहा है तो हमें भी
मानवता का परिचय देते हुए एक दूसरे की मदद के लिए आगे आना चाहिए | यही भाव विद्यालय के सभी कर्मचारियों में सर्वोपरि है l इस संकट की घड़ी में सभी
कर्मचारियों ने अपनी स्वैच्छिक स्वीकृति के साथ 1 दिन का वेतन इस महामारी से लड़ने के लिए दिया | इस अवसर पर विद्यालय के प्रशासनिक अधिकारी प्राचार्य
आर. सी. जोशी, उप प्राचार्य पी. आर. कुमार, बरसर सुबोध कुमार, जनसंपर्क अधिकारी प्रणय कुमार, हेड मास्टर ए. के. मिश्रा एवं संजीव कुमार ने सभी
कर्मचारियों के प्रति अपना आभार व्यक्त किया |
Celebrating the occasion of Maha Shivratri with great fervour and enthusiasm with the entire LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE family! Our President, Arora sir and our Vice President, Arora Ma'am graced the occasion with puja, followed by celebrations of joy with all the staff members and students.
More and more people coming with their children for admissions to the prestigious #residential #school #LKSinghania #Education #centre in #jabalpur and #satna in #madhyapradesh ! We are delighted to see such a brilliant turnout in every city that we are going to! It'll be great to welcome you all wonderful students at this centre of excellence.
#kolkata Children taking admission tests for the prestigious LK Singhania Education Centre Gotan. We hope to see them as part of the #LKSinghania family soon! #admissions2020 #residentialschool #world #class
Celebrations are in order for our 71st Republic Day and at LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE, we always do that well for each of the occasions. Patriotism and the proud feeling of being Indian was shared by all!
Justice, Liberty, Equality and Freedom of Speech. We at the LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE GOTAN wish everyone a very Happy 71st Republic Day. Let us celebrate the day which gave us our Fundamental Rights: 1.Right to Education 2.Right to Freedom of Speech 3.Right against Exploitation 4.Right to Equality
#arteducation is not only a mandatory of the CBSE curriculum, it is also a very important cognitive skill in today's world. #creative thinking is a core skill that sets one apart and enables out-of-the-box thinking, which is needed for the development of entrepreneurial thinking in later life. At the #LKSinghania Education Centre Gotan, #art is a part of their daily lives where they learn to imagine, explore and take cognisance of their surroundings.
And, scenes from the amazing Lohri celebrations from the LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE FAMILY to your homes, spreading all the love and warmth! Wishing you all a very happy harvest festival!
#throwbackthursday Scenes from our spectacular new year party where fun was unlimited, as was as the sprit of each and every individual at the LK SINGHANIA EDUCATION CENTRE! We truly welcomed 2020 in style! #newyearseve #party #LKSinghania #fununlimited